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Archewell Foundation faces setback over unpaid fees



Archewell Foundation faces setback over unpaid fees

The Archewell Foundation, spearheaded by Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, has encountered a hurdle in its charitable endeavors.

According to California state records, the foundation has been deemed delinquent due to outstanding fees, thereby impeding its ability to raise funds.

The California Attorney General, Rob Bonta, issued a notice of delinquency to the Archewell Foundation earlier this month. The notice highlighted incomplete renewal information, indicating a lapse in the organization’s administrative responsibilities.

Records indicate that the foundation’s last renewal was in May 2023, and its current status stands as “delinquent,” rendering it incapable of soliciting donations.

According to reports based on statement to NBC news from a source closely associated with the Archewell Foundation, an initial payment attempt was made but was allegedly lost in transit. However, reassurance was provided that the payment has since been reissued, with expectations of resolving the issue within a matter of days.

Despite this setback, Prince Harry and Meghan have been actively engaged in philanthropic efforts, notably in Nigeria, where they are championing causes they have long supported, including initiatives benefiting wounded veterans.
