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“Why we may not go on Strike” — NLC Chairman, Ajaero



"Why we may not go on Strike" -- NLC Chairman, Ajaero

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has announced that it will not initiate a strike action on Tuesday to demand a new national minimum wage. NLC President Joe Ajaero made this announcement during a press conference on Monday, highlighting that the decision is contingent on the pending approval from President Bola Tinubu.

Joe Ajaero revealed that the Tripartite Committee’s proposed figures are currently under review by the President. He emphasized that the NLC has not accepted the N62,000 figure suggested by the government as the new minimum wage.

“We cannot declare a strike now because the figures are with the President. We will wait for the President’s decision,” Ajaero stated.

He expressed optimism that President Tinubu would make a favorable decision, recalling the actions of the former president.

“During the tenure of the immediate past president, the figure that was proposed to him was N27,000 by the tripartite committee but he increased it to N30,000. We are hopeful that this president will do the right thing.”

The NLC’s decision to hold off on a strike provides a temporary reprieve from potential nationwide disruptions. Workers across the country are keenly awaiting President Tinubu’s decision on the proposed minimum wage
