What The Increasing Number of Farm Investments In Nigeria Means.

Many Nigerians are trying to get over the MMM nightmare. I know a lot of people are trying to avoid falling into yet another Ponzi scheme. While most people are now turning away from “75% ROI in 2 weeks” kind of investments (LOL), many are moving into low-risk investments with fair returns.
Farm investments are slowly becoming the business of the day, but why does that matter? According to a report by PwC, “The Agriculture sector has contributed about 25% to National GDP since 2017, and employs nearly half of the
total labour force in the country.” Also the country’s food imports still outweighs its exports, but that is slowly decreasing. As long as Nigerians can make legitimate money from their investments, and at the same time contribute to the improvement of the economy. It’s a win-win situation after all, abi?
Nigeria turned away from it’s focus on Agriculture in the late 20th century because of the discovery of petroleum, which led to the decline of the country’s agricultural exports and large scale deforestation. This rippled into other problems like, you guessed it, increase in unemployment.
Technology is now helping to draw in investments in the country’s agricultural sector. Startups like Farmsby are helping Nigerians small and large scale farmers grow their business through crowdsourced funds, and at the same time make passive income for most Nigerians. Farmcrowdy, another digital agriculture, also platform launched Crowdyvest to offer investors opportunities in other sectors and acquired Best Foods (a company providing livestock and agricultural produce at affordable prices).
Other investment styles like that employed by Micl Farms, allows you to buy the farm (with a range of payment plans). Farmers use the land for their work and you gain a percentage of the annual income.