In a harrowing confrontation in Zamfara, soldiers of Operation “Hadarin Daji” faced a deadly ambush by terrorist groups, resulting in significant casualties among the troops. Director...
There have been an attack by bandits, who are locally known as terrorists in Munya Local Government Area of Niger State and Four military personnel and...
The Nigerian army have allegedly captured the masterminds behind the terrorist attack on the Abuja-Kaduna train service. During a bi-weekly news briefing on the operations of...
Terrorists attack the holy city of Jerusalem to leave at least 7 people injured according to reports from Israeli officials within the city. Gunmen were said...
One of the Priests of the Catholic Church that was, on Sunday attacked by assailants has revealed how the church was attacked. The priest at St....
Two construction workers have been attacked and abducted by terrorists along the Lambata-Izom in Gurara local government area of Niger state. A commercial transport driver, Buhari...
The Katsina State Police Command has saved Fadimawa village of Kurfi Local Government Area of the state from a terrorist attack. The Spokesman for the Katsina...