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Police arrest 35-year-old man for allegedly defiling a minor in Ondo



Police arrest 35-year-old man for allegedly defiling a minor in

Operatives of the Police Command in Ondo State has arrest a 35-year-old man for allegedly defiling a minor.

The suspect, Kelvin Abugu was said to have committed the crime at Uso in Owo Local Government Area of the state.

Confessing to the crime at the police headquarters, Kelvin who was paraded on Wednesday disclosed that he defiled the nine-year-old girl after she came into his room to watch television.

Kelvin, a farmer was nabbed after the girl’s mother raised alarm and reported the incident to the police.


The victim’s mother, Agnes Emmanuel was said to have found her daughter with her pant stained with blood.

Parading the suspect, the state commissioner of police, Bolaji Salami said On May 2, 2021, at about 1420hrs, Agnes Emmanuel reported to the Police that she saw her daughter passing out blood from her private part.

“When her mother asked her, she said it was one Kelvin Abugu who inserted his hand and later his penis into her private part.

“He was immediately arrested and has owned up to the offence. His case is ready for prosecution.”
