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Court to decide Nnamdi Kanu’s fate today



Court to decide fate of Nnamdi Kanu today

Today marks a pivotal moment as the Supreme Court prepares to deliver a judgment that will determine the future of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

Nnamdi Kanu has been in detention since June 2021, following his re-arrest in Kenya and subsequent extradition to Nigeria.

Initially facing charges including treasonable felony, conspiracy, illegal importation of radio equipment, and defamation of former President Muhammadu Buhari, these charges were replaced by a 14-count charge focusing on terrorism and affiliation with a proscribed group by the former Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami.

However, the court later reduced these charges to seven counts, a decision that was subsequently nullified by the Appeal Court.

In response to the Appeal Court’s verdict, the Nigerian Government filed an appeal at the Supreme Court, setting the stage for today’s highly anticipated judgment.

Voices in the public sphere, including that of Abuja-based socio-political activist Deji Adeyanju, are advocating for a fair and just ruling. Adeyanju emphasized the need for a judgment that engenders public confidence in the judiciary, stressing that regardless of the outcome, acceptance is crucial.

Adeyanju articulated, “My hope is that the Supreme Court will deliver a judgment that is acceptable to everyone, but no matter what the Supreme Court delivers, it will not be acceptable to some.”

He further urged against the politicization of legal proceedings, asserting, “Politicians must not be bad losers; they must learn to accept defeat when they lose elections.”

A key plea from Adeyanju was the call for Kanu’s admission to bail, highlighting that bail is not an evasion of justice but an opportunity for the defendant to robustly defend themselves. He vehemently opposed the notion of individuals being turned into political prisoners, deeming it unacceptable.
