Top 5 Tips To Build A Business Worth Millions Of Dollars
Most new businesses fail due to one particular reason. This particular reason also limits other businesses from achieving their true potential. Thus, this particular reason is The Misalignment of expectations in our business.
Almost 80% of start-ups fail due to this reason and most of these 80% never get a second chance to bounce back. A whole lot of companies and organizations are started every year and only few survive half of that journey and out of those surviving few, only little actually achieve or get close to achieving their full potential.
Every business as the chance of bankruptcy and the same rate at which they have the chance to grow into a million-dollar business. How can you drive in the right direction?
There is no straight answer to this question due to the existence of different form of businesses and the different processes involved in starting up a business but here are the top 4 tips that generally answers the question and if carefully followed, would help your business reach its full potential. 1.Building in silence.
No can stop what they can’t see or what they know nothing about. This will also reduce the pressure that comes with fulfilling your idea. Most people get so excited about their idea they run off and start telling people about it. Most probably hope people will encourage them, support them or even praise them. While this is not a bad thing, wouldn’t it be better to surprise everyone, wouldn’t it be better to indirectly carry out your survey.
I once heard “There is creativity in hiding your source” and I totally agree with this. Move in silence and let your success speak for you. Telling everyone about your idea dangerously affect the business even before starting it up, it comes with a whole lot of price that eventually reduces the chance of success of the business. So I implore us all to build in silence and let the success speak for us. 2.Staying Focused.
There are overnight success stories but still, only a fool would sit around waiting for that. True success requires minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years of critical focus.
Starting up a business/organization/company is no joke. It requires lots of strength, sacrifice, time, and more. In the end if all these are well placed, the success of the business will be worth it. Staying focused may sound easy but that is always the hardest part of starting a business. Staying focus requires you to say No to most things, close your eyes to other opportunities and focus all your energy, finance, time and more on that particular start-up. 3.Embrace All Types Of Feed backs.
Being in charge means you start to take responsibility. Responsibilities on the other hand comes with a whole lot of things such as blame, praise, profit and loss. And you are required to take it all. Feed backs comes in all kind of folds, Good, bad, confusing, challenging, disappointing and more but then again, they are all for the best. You can either decide to wallow in them or make use of them to get better.
Bad feedback shows you where to improve on and good feedback encourages you to keep moving forward. Like are said, some are challenging, disappointing, I’ve had my fair share in my start-ups but here I am still moving forward. Accept the truth. Dissociate your personal feelings from your business and focus on the business getting better and growing.
The moment you start dismissing feedback, you lose peoples opinion, You wouldn’t know where people would like you to improve on and you will stop living in the real world, You’ll be living in the world you created for yourself which could eventually lead to the fall of your business. 4.Evolving and Adapting.
For every good news, there are more bad news. Adaptation and evolution are part of the basic surviving characters of every living thing. You can bring that into your business. Let your ego relax and learn to blend.
Making your business worth millions of dollars requires a lot of endurance. There will be good days and bad ones, there will be times when you will want to give up but always remember, only losers quit. And it I at that moment where you’re about to quit, that is the moment that separates a success from a failure. You’ll make bad decisions and you will make good ones. You will be the source of a lot of your company’s loss and gain.
Not everything will go as planned, learn to bend, fold and balance the situation. No plan is useless, all it needs are some changes. 5.No Limits
There is no limit to what we can achieve and there is no limit to how far your business can grow. Never limit yourself, do not hide. A wealthy person never has a source of income because he is not limited. Same goes with your organization, it can always grow and get better, you can always branch into various other relating market with the aim of spreading your wings into the world and achieving every possible goal that is out there for you.
This life is a race and in the business world, the race has begun before you. It is never too late to catch up and when catching up, do it with style. Make use of all this and please, you are welcome to drop a comment of your opinion and if you have more tips to building a successful million dollar business.