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Iran activates Air Defence Systems as explosion hits neighboring City



Iran activates Air Defence Systems as explosion hits City

In the early hours of Friday morning, Iran has placed high alert on their air defence systems in response to reported explosions near the city of Isfahan, as confirmed by the state-run IRNA news agency.

The cause of the activation and the origin of the explosions remain shrouded in mystery, intensifying tensions in the already volatile Middle East landscape, particularly in the aftermath of Iran’s recent missile-and-drone strike on Israel.

According to IRNA, the air defence systems were triggered into action, with missiles fired across several provinces, though the specific catalyst for the response was not disclosed. Witnesses in the region attested to hearing distinct sounds associated with the activation, indicating a robust military reaction to the perceived threat.

Iran activates Air Defence Systems as explosion hits City

The semiofficial Fars and Tasnim news agencies echoed reports of explosions without offering further elucidation, further fueling speculation and uncertainty surrounding the incident.

State television in Iran acknowledged the occurrence of a “loud noise” in the area but refrained from providing additional details regarding the cause or potential targets of the explosions.

Simultaneously, commercial flights traversing western Iran began diverting their routes, a move reportedly initiated without official explanation, suggesting a precautionary measure in response to the unfolding events.

This adjustment coincided with the reports of explosions, hinting at a potential correlation between the two developments.
