Apply: UN Scholarship 2019-2020

One of the goals of the United Nations is to prepare future generations for careers in human rights, economic justice, and more. This means providing resources and funding for programs that give people essential experience and education. Often times, that takes the form of scholarships with the United Nations University, which represents the research and academic branch of the UN. There are also occasionally opportunities within the offices of the UN itself. Here are five scholarships for your consideration:
Transform Your Career in 2019!
The United Nations University Japan / PhD in Sustainability Sciencehttps://ias.unu.edu/en/admissions/degrees/phd-in-sustainability-science-2019.html#overview
Offered by the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan, this scholarship is for those seeking the school’s PhD in Sustainability Science. It’s a three-year programme. To be eligible, applicants must be from developing countries and prove their need for financial aid. If you live in Japan under a working visa or are pursuing a second PhD at UNU-IAS, you will not be considered.
The United Nations University Iceland / The UNU Fisheries Training Programmehttps://unu.edu/projects/unu-ftp-six-month-training-programme.html
The UNU Fisheries Training programme is a postgraduate programme offering training in a variety of areas related to the fisheries sector. The scholarship is available for former UNU-FTP fellows who are accepted into any Icelandic universities with graduate studies in fisheries. To be eligible, your studies at the UNU-FTP must count for a minimum of 24 ECTS towards the post-graduate degree, and your proposed thesis or dissertation must be related to fisheries in your home country.
The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research / Visiting PhD Fellowship Programmehttps://www.wider.unu.edu/phdfellows
This programme provides registered doctoral students with assistance at UNU-WIDER as they work towards a PhD dissertation (or thesis) on developing economics. During the three months at Helsinki, where UNU-WIDER is located, programme fellows write at least one research paper and present a seminar. If accepted, the fellow gets a travel grant that covers the journey from their institute, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend.
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner / Fellowship Programme for People of African Descenthttps://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/racism/wgafricandescent/pages/fellowshipprogramme.aspx
The call for applications in 2019 is not open yet. Visit the official website for timely information. This fellowship programme is offered to anyone of African descent living in the diaspora. They must have at least four years of work experience relevant to the rights of people of African descent and a good knowledge of English. If accepted, fellows travel to Geneva and gain valuable experience working and learning about issues facing those of African descent. The programme includes a monthly stipend and basic health insurance.
Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs / International Law Fellowship Programmehttp://legal.un.org/poa/ilfp/
The application period for 2019 has ended. You are encouraged to apply again 2020. The International Law Fellowship Programme is designed to help professionals (especially international law teachers and government officials from developing countries) learn more about the United Nations’ legal work. Eligible candidates for this Netherlands-based programme will have a legal background as well as experience working in international law. If you are one of the 21 fellows accepted, the scholarship will cover travel costs, accomodation, insurance, the registration fee for The Hague Academy of International law, training materials, and participation in the programme. Fellows also get a stipend to cover additional living expenses. The programme is held in the English language.