Apply for the 2017 Waislitz Global Citizen Award | Deadline August 15

The Waislitz Global Citizen Award, an annual cash prize of $100,000 presented by the Waislitz Foundation and Global Citizen, recognises the excellence of one individual in their work to end extreme poverty.
In 2015, Twesigye Kaguri – founder of the Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project in Uganda won the prize. {Read more about his work here}
In 2016, Clarisse Uwineza won the grand prize of $50,000, with her work in Rwanda converting organic waste into fertiliser. {Read more here}
Submissions will be judged on the four key areas mentioned in the award description:
Global Citizenship
How does the nominee embody and exemplify the values and practices of a Global Citizen?
What is the nominee’s track record of reducing extreme poverty?
How has the nominee brought new thinking to overcoming the challenge of ending extreme poverty?
How would this award enable/support the nominee to scale or improve their work?
The grand prize winner…
An invitation to New York to attend the Global Citizen Live event on September 18, 2017 at Skirball Centre for the Performing Arts, where they will receive $100,000. A short video covering the winners’ work will also be shown at the Global Citizen Live event on September 18.
Airfare and accommodation in New York to attend 2017 Global Citizen Live, Movement Makers, and the Global Citizen
Festival the week of September 18-September 23, for the winner and a guest.
The opportunity to participate in the Global Citizen Live Event, an event with the world’s leaders in business, media, technology and culture convene on September 18.
Two tickets to the 2017 Global Citizen Festival on September 23, 2017
Click HERE to apply.
Deadline: August 15, 2017
Read the terms and conditions HERE.
Photo Credit: Global Citizen