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Ubi Franklin responds to his South African babymama



Ubi Franklin responds to his South African babymama

Serial baby daddy, Ubi Franklin has replied his South African babymama, Nicola Siyo, who had earlier called him out on IG for never meeting their son.


Nicola who welcomed their son in April 2019, said Ubi has never met with their son but comes online to display affection for him. She mentioned that public image doesn’t raise children.


Responding to her claim, Ubi said he has always met his financial obligation to all his four children, including Shiloh. He said he loves all his children but cannot be there with them physically because of work

His fourth babymama, Sandra Iheuwa, was also online earlier today to defend him. She made her remarks while responding to Nicola’s comment of him never meeting with Shiloh.

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