TN #LoveClinic 5: Dr Adam & Nurse Eve

Dr Adam
Hello everyone and welcome to TN Love Clinic. I hope your week was better than my account balance—
Nurse Eve
Lmao! Aren’t doctors supposed to be rich.
Dr Adam
That’s a myth.
Nurse Eve
Perhaps, not. Maybe it applies only to real doctors.
Dr Adam
You are mad and you have no one to tell you.
Nurse Eve
You are not a real doctor and you have me to tell you.
Dr Adam
I am just going to ignore you and my bank account and focus on only the positive.
Nurse Eve
Just out of curiosity, what does your bank account look like?
Dr Adam
Like your love life!
Nurse Eve
Raah! Cold. Someone is angry.
Dr Adam
What do we have today? What am I treating?
Nurse Eve
Confusion. This guy says,
“I have been flirting with this chic off and on since May. We started strong, then she pulled away. I found out afterwards she was sleeping with someone else, so I let her be and we didn’t talk for months.
Later, after talking and chatting a few days, she calls me and wants to spend the day doing random stuff before ending up at my place to chill.
To be honest, I wasn’t really expecting us to have sex but as soon as we are settled down in my house, she is suddenly all over me.
We kiss and do stuffs, yet at the back of my mind, I’m thinking things are not right. So we don’t go all the way.
A few hours later, her mom calls asking where she is, so she says she’s going home to check on things and should be back for the night soon. We kiss and she leaves—
Dr Adam
—really, Bro, it’s cool if you leave out some unnecessary details.
Nurse Eve
Please, let me continue. This guy’s situation is quite lengthy.
“At home, she sends me a message saying everything is fine but she wouldn’t be able to make it out again that day. I have no issues with that; we make plans to meet the next day. I tell her I really like her and it is not just about sex for me.
Next morning, an hour before we are supposed to get together, she sends me a message saying she can’t make it. I ask why and she gives a legitimate answer. I ask when she can see each other as friends again and tell her I meant everything I said the night before. She says she has no idea, don’t push, let me sort things out. She doesn’t talk to me the rest of the day.
The friend who introduced us happens to come by. She asks about this girl and says, be careful. Don’t put your heart in it, she says, because less than two weeks ago, she was sleeping with another guy—
I don’t understand how you can say nice things to someone and want to spend time with them one night, then the next morning say, don’t push.
Nurse Eve
—This one hasn’t met Lagos boys sha.
Dr Adam
The slander!
Nurse Eve
Another friend who knows the situation says it seems like she clicks with me, but it scares her and she doesn’t know how to react.
I don’t know . My head says no, but my heart says yes. I don’t want to be made a fool of, but I fall so easily for her…
Dr Adam
Is that the end?
Nurse Eve
Dr Adam
Whew! Thank God.
So he said his head is saying ‘No’…
Nurse Eve
But his heart is saying ‘yes’…
Dr Adam
…but what is Jesus saying?
Nurse Eve
Thou shall not fornicate?
Dr Adam
Lmao. Truth be told, the heart wants what it wants even if it is wrong for it.
Nurse Eve
But one still has to trust his/her instincts too. I mean, even if you don’t trust your friends, trust your instinct—
Dr Adam
—Sorry to interrupt, but let me chip in something—
Nurse Eve
—by all means Chip in, after all, it’s the only ‘Chip’ you can afford. You can’t even afford plantain Chips.
Dr Adam
Gerrout! I can afford plantain chip. That his friend that is advising him to not put his heart in it is part of what is wrong with the world. Why would you be in a relationship when your heart is not in it?
Nurse Eve
I get where the friend is coming from though. One night stand and a rumble in the sheet does not equate love and true relationship. Relationship is a commitment to love one another with the intention of taking each other down the aisle. Does she look like the person you want to do that with? Do you trust her enough for that? If not, it’s best you take her advice—don’t push it.
Dr Adam
Also add ‘Walk away’…except of course, you are just looking to get in her pants as well.
Nurse Eve
But I’m sure you are a decent person and wouldn’t do that.
Dr Adam
Haha! Who told you he’s decent?
Nurse Eve
I thought we were being positive today? That’s why we have not talked about your account balance.
Dr Adam
True. It’s also the reason why I have not said anything about your purple suit.
Nurse Eve
However, if you, our esteemed readers have something positive to say—
Dr Adam
—or add to my account balance—
Nurse Eve
Lol. Ignore the beggar and use the comments section.
Dr Adam
Till we come your way same time next week. Don’t worry—
Nurse Eve
—be happy.