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The 2 reasons why Manchester City won the Champions League



The 2 reasons why Manchester City won the Champions League

Finally, Pep Guardiola has left every rival premier league club fan chewing their words following Manchester City triumph in the Champions League, which of course has raised questions over how he overcame the Champions League mental block.

Did it have anything to do with him resolving his differences with Yaya Toure who humorously was accused to have used witch-doctors to hold the Spaniard back? Or was it because it finally got to a time when the Universe could no longer deny Manchester City or Guardiola the coveted European trophy?

Pep Guardiola, the mastermind behind Manchester City’s triumphs, showcased his tactical brilliance by deploying players in unconventional positions throughout the 2022/2023 season.

Guardiola’s ability to adapt and transform his squad has been instrumental in Manchester City’s success, as they secured their first-ever Champions League title and dominated the Premier League.

One of Guardiola’s standout tactical innovations was the utilization of John Stones in a hybrid role, alternating between right-back and defensive midfielder.

This strategic shift showcased Stones’ versatility and allowed him to excel in both defensive positions. Another notable transformation was the conversion of natural center-back Nathan Ake into a highly effective left-back, highlighting Guardiola’s ability to maximize players’ potential across various positions.

Pep Guardiola Joao Cancelo Manchester City 2022-23

Furthermore, Guardiola’s willingness to play trusted players in unfamiliar positions, rather than relying on those he no longer trusts, has contributed to Manchester City’s consistent performance. This flexibility has been evident with Manuel Akanji, who seamlessly filled defensive gaps by playing in multiple positions throughout the backline.

Guardiola’s philosophy revolves around the belief that maintaining the same approach season after season is unsustainable. He acknowledges the ever-evolving nature of football, the changing dynamics of his squad, and the strategies employed by opponents. This necessitates constant adaptation, both in offensive and defensive systems.

In Guardiola’s words from a recent interview,

“You cannot play the same way for six or seven seasons, for two reasons. First, you have different players. And second, the opponents don’t defend the same way against you because they know you. They discover the secrets you have. They do a counter-system, and you have to create another system, offensively and defensively.”

Despite Manchester City’s remarkable success this season, their achievements are accompanied by controversy. In February, the Premier League charged the club with allegedly violating financial rules, following earlier sanctions from UEFA for similar reasons. Guardiola skillfully used these charges as a rallying point, portraying City as the victims in the narrative.

Drawing on his experiences at Barcelona, Guardiola played down the substantial financial investments received by Manchester City from the Abu Dhabi United Group, emphasizing the team’s resilience and the adversity they faced.

John Stones Pep Guardiola

The charges were announced shortly after City’s defeat to Tottenham, and from that point forward, barring their final-day loss to Brentford, Guardiola’s team remained unbeaten throughout the season.

Guardiola’s ability to harness these external factors and channel them into motivation for his players is a testament to his adept man-management skills and his knack for creating a united and resilient squad.

As Manchester City’s reign continues, Guardiola’s tactical innovations and ability to navigate challenges both on and off the pitch will remain crucial in sustaining their dominance in English and European football.
