Polygamy, having multiple spouses, is deeply rooted in various cultures. Some Nigerian celebrities openly embrace polygamous relationships despite controversy and legal restrictions. This article explores the...
Just after Reno Omokri stands in support of the polygamous act of Yul Edochie marrying a 2nd wife, father Oluomo reacted. Popular Catholic Priest, Father Oluoma...
Every day comes its own trend. And the trend now is on Nollywood Actor, Yul Edochie. The spotlight fell on him hours ago after the world...
Controversial Human Rights activist Reno Omokri has dropped his opinion on whether polygamy is sinful or not and how people should see it. The former presidential...
Reality TV star Ifu Ennada, has blasted men who cheat and crown it like it is their birthright, as she revealed that men are polygamous in...