Comedian Stanley Chibunna, known in the entertainment world as Funnybone, and his wife recently welcomed their first child. The couple shared the joyous news earlier this...
Comedian, Stanley Chibunna, popularly known as Funnybone had his white wedding over the weekend, with his lover in Lagos State. The comedian and actor, Funnybone had...
Popular socialite, Pretty Mike has yet again caused a stir in the internet after appearing on a wedding with semi nude ladies depicting ‘Jesus’ crucifixion. In...
The traditional wedding of Funnybone and his wife have been held in Anambra State today Saturday, June 18. The actor and comedian whose birth name...
Nigerian comedian Stanley Chibunna, popularly called “Funnybone” has opened up on his first romantic role with Ghanaian actress Joselyn Dumas. The hilarious comedian and the...