Pretty Mike storms wedding with semi-naked ladies depicting The Crucifix [Photos/Videos]

Popular socialite, Pretty Mike has yet again caused a stir in the internet after appearing on a wedding with semi nude ladies depicting ‘Jesus’ crucifixion.

In a video gathering reactions, Pretty Mike was seen at comedian, Funnybone’s wedding ceremony with semi-nude ladies depicting story of ‘Jesus’ carrying the cross to Golgotha.

This won’t be the first and probably not the last as the Nigerian socialite, is known for his one of a kind party entrance.

Attending Funnybone’s wedding ceremony that happened over the weekend, he arrived at the venue with semi-nude ladies , as one of the ladies who depicted the Biblical Jesus was seen in white outfit and a thorn crown on her head.
She carried a “cross” along with her while the other ladies mimickly “flogged”.

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