In a passionate address, renowned Edo-born cleric Apostle Johnson Suleman has raised serious concerns about what he describes as the growing attacks on Christianity and its...
The Paris Olympics drew some ire from irate Christians during its opening ceremony when a particular segment was found mocking their faith. In response, Organizers of...
Popular Nigerian actress Nancy Isime has given her fans and followers a spiritual side of her personality. The beautiful actress, in a post on her Instagram page,...
A Nigerian TikToker takes to social media to ask Christians and Nigerians an existential and perhaps a philosophical question regarding faith, God and Christianity. According to...
Nollywood actress, Zainab Balogun fires some shots on Christians over their treatment of the Christian faith and Christianity in general. In a thought-provoking statement, Nollywood actress...
General Overseer of Bride Assembly Church, Moses Alu, has opined that Christianity is the centre of corruption in Nigeria. In a video currently trending on social...