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Nnamdi Kanu stirs drama in Court



Nnamdi Kanu stirs drama in Court

Talk about stirring an act in court, Nnamdi Kanu, the detained leader of the proscribed Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) stood front and centre of court commotion.

Nnamdi Kanu is reported to have caused a commotion at the Federal High Court in Abuja on Monday by refusing to submit himself for trial on terrorism charges. The uproar led Justice Binta Fatimat Nyako to adjourn the proceedings to June 19 to restore order.

Kanu, raising his voice in defiance, declared that he would not submit to the trial, asserting that the Nigerian government lacked constitutional and international authority to prosecute him. This stance came shortly after Justice Nyako denied his requests for reinstatement of his revoked bail and release from the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS).

The disruption escalated when Federal Government lawyer Adegboyega Awomolo announced that his witnesses were present and ready to proceed with the trial. Kanu, standing up from the dock, interrupted his legal team led by Aloy Ejiamakor, arguing that the trial should not proceed. He cited several legal authorities from a document in his possession to support his objections.

When Awomolo attempted to interject, Kanu became more agitated, accusing the senior lawyer of being a terrorist and a dishonest man. Despite Justice Nyako’s efforts to calm him, Kanu continued his tirade, criticizing Awomolo for failing to uphold the Constitution.

Awomolo responded to Kanu’s outburst by suggesting that the defendant was acting on emotions and stated that he was neither offended nor provoked by the accusations.

To de-escalate the situation, the court granted a request from Kanu’s lawyer for an adjournment, allowing the legal team to consult with Kanu in a secure room free from eavesdropping. Consequently, Justice Nyako scheduled the trial to resume on June 19 and 21.
