“My mother lost me over emotional blackmail, now trying to get me back” Bisi Alimi warns parents

Nigerian Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi, has appealed to parents to desist from using emotional blackmail to get the attention of their children.
In a series of posts shared on his Instastories, Bisi revealed that his mother lost her relationship with him after she consistently blackmailed him emotionally.
He mentioned that now she seeks to establish a relationship with him for him, however the ship has sailed. He stressed that parents can emotionally blackmail their kids for as long as they want but that one day, the veil will fall off their faces and the kids would walk away from their ”toxic behaviour”.
See his post below:
LGBT Activist Bisi Alimi once said the LGBTQ people must continue to “lift up” all parts of the community in the wake of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations currently taking place across the globe.
Whilst taking part in Attitude’s Pride Heroes, in association with Taimi, Bisi recalls attending his first Pride in London after fleeing Nigeria.
In 2004, the self-proclaimed “angelic troublemaker” became the first Nigerian to openly come out on national television – being gay is punished with imprisonment and, in some parts of Nigeria, the death penalty.
When threats were made on his life, Bisi fled to the UK and he can remember, crystal-clear, his first-ever Pride in London.