Man Spends £80k on his “dream body” to look like a Kardashian-Barbie

A man identified as Cory Hall has spent over £80k on his “dream body” to look like a Kardashian-Barbie hybrid.
The 29-year-old has made a name for himself as an influencer, regularly posting raunchy pictures on social media and showcasing a plethora of hot pink and skimpy outfits.
Cory said: “I know who I am so I don’t care what people have to say about me.
“I love fashion, I love looking hot and I love my body.”
Among the work he’s had done is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), liposuction, bum injections, lip filler, cheek filler, jaw filler and botox.
Cory has spent over £80k on his appearance and went under the knife for the controversial BBL surgery three years ago.
The most common type of BBL involves grafting fat from other areas of the body – such as the stomach – and relocating it to the bum.
However, this poses an unnerving mortality rate of one in 3,000.
On top of the potentially life threatening bum enhancement, Cory had fillers injected into his cheeks to make them even plumper.
He told Truly: “I did it just because I wanted a bigger butt.
“I would like to get another BBL.
“People tell me I don’t need another surgery but I don’t care.”
The Los Angeles, US-based influencer is used to people double taking him on the street to look at his rear.
Cory continued: “People can be kind of harsh but it doesn’t get to me.
“It doesn’t bother me whatsoever.”
With Kim as one of his biggest inspirations, Cory exercises six times a week and sticks to a rigid plan that keeps his Kardashian-esque behind in shape.
He has even met Kim herself on multiple occasions and worked with her shapewear brand Skims to produce social media content.
Just like the A-list family, he sports designers like Balenciaga, Dolce and Gabbana, Chanel and Louis Vuitton.
Cory said: “My style’s very flashy, very luxe, very poppy.
“I’m very classy as well.
“I like to mix a little masculine with a little feminine.”
However, his most loved brand is Skims and his wardrobe contains an extensive selection of Kim’s bikinis, loungewear, shapewear and bodysuits.