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Luis Diaz’s father Manuel Diaz secures release after days in Captivity



Luis Diaz's father Manuel Diaz secures release after kidnap

In a moment of immense relief and joy for Liverpool FC’s attacker, Luis Diaz, and his family, the Colombian Football Federation has officially confirmed the release of his father after a harrowing 12-day ordeal.

The news was swiftly shared by Liverpool on their official social media channels, expressing their delight and gratitude for the positive development.

Luis Diaz: Kidnappers in Colombia warn release of Liverpool star's father  could be delayed | World News | Sky News

Liverpool’s statement read:

“We are delighted by the news of @LuisFDiaz19’s father’s safe return, and we thank all those involved in securing his release.”

The distressing situation unfolded when Luis Diaz’s parents were kidnapped in their home country of Colombia a few days ago.

Notably, his mother’s release was secured shortly after her capture by a terrorist group. However, the wait for Luis Diaz’s father’s release was prolonged, leading to growing concern.

Thankfully, on Thursday, November 9, it was confirmed that Luis Manuel Diaz, the father of the Liverpool forward, has been successfully released.
