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Israeli Airstrike kills Pro-Hezbollah fighters near Damascus



Israeli Airstrike kills Pro-Hezbollah fighters near Damascus

Tensions surged in the Middle East following recent Israeli airstrikes near Damascus, claiming the lives of two Syrian fighters aligned with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed group. This incident unfolded shortly after a ceasefire concluded between Hamas, an ally of Hezbollah, and Israel in Gaza.

Reports from Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, detailed the Israeli airstrikes targeting Hezbollah positions near Sayyida Zeinab, resulting in the deaths of two individuals and injuring seven others.

Since 2011, Israel has frequently engaged in airstrikes within Syria, primarily targeting Iran-backed forces, Lebanese Hezbollah militants, and Syrian military installations. The frequency and intensity of these attacks have notably escalated post the conflict with Hamas that erupted in October.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, relying on its network of sources within Syria, confirmed the strikes specifically targeted “Hezbollah targets” within the Sayyida Zeinab vicinity.

Simultaneously, Syria’s defense ministry acknowledged the Israeli airstrikes near Damascus. Loud explosions reported in the capital aligned with this statement.

The Syrian defense ministry stated, “At approximately 1:35 am (2235 GMT) today, the Israeli enemy carried out an air assault from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points near the city of Damascus.”

Syrian state television also reported an “Israeli aggression near the capital,” corroborating the situation on the ground.

When approached for comment by AFP, the Israeli army did not provide any official statement regarding the airstrikes.

Previous Israeli airstrikes in the same area near Damascus on November 8 resulted in the deaths of three pro-Iran fighters, targeting sites associated with the powerful Lebanese group, as reported by the Observatory.

Further exacerbating tensions, Israeli airstrikes on November 26 disrupted operations at Damascus airport, halting flights shortly after their resumption following a prior attack the month before. Similar Israeli strikes on October 12 and 22 had also rendered both Damascus and Aleppo airports non-operational.

Israel maintains a strict policy of not commenting on individual strikes conducted in Syria. However, it has consistently emphasized its stance of preventing Iran, a key supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, from expanding its influence in the region.

Hezbollah, aligned with Damascus, has been an enduring ally of the Syrian government, actively engaging in the country’s prolonged conflict alongside Assad’s forces.
