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“I’m not desperate to be president” — Peter Obi



"I’m not desperate to be president" -- Peter Obi

There are more important things than my ambition to be Nigeria’s president — Peter Obi

In a recent interview with NoireTV-GlobalBlackTV, Peter Obi, the 2023 Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, addressed the possibility of a merger between the LP and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The interview, released on YouTube on Saturday, also featured Obi’s reaction to the prospect of receiving support as a Southeast candidate in the 2027 presidential election from Atiku Abubakar, the PDP’s 2023 flagbearer.

Peter Obi expressed gratitude for Abubakar’s statement about potentially supporting him as a candidate from the South-East. “I commend him and I’m grateful for his statements, especially where he said he will support me if it (the presidential ticket) goes to the South East,” Obi said.

However, Peter Obi emphasized that his primary concern is not personal ambition or political maneuvering but rather the well-being of Nigeria and its citizens.

“I’m not desperate to be president, I’m desperate to see Nigeria work, especially for the poor people because we have a lot of potential,” he stated.

Regarding a potential merger between the PDP and LP, Obi expressed openness to the idea, provided that the goal is to improve governance in Nigeria and unlock its vast potential.

“If the merger is to be able to govern Nigeria properly, unlock all those things that will make Nigeria a better place, I’m for it,” he said.

Obi clarified that he is not interested in mergers or alliances solely to secure power or win elections.

“If it’s just a merger for election or state capture, I’m not for it or part of it, I don’t want to be part of anything like that,” he asserted.

The former Anambra State governor stressed the importance of unity and cooperation among individuals and parties, but only if the objective is to build a better Nigeria. “It might be at the party level, it might be at the individual level, might be at any level, but we must come together to be able to build a better Nigeria,” he said.
