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“I did so much shit in my life” — Rihanna



"I did so much shit in my life" -- Rihanna

Renowned singer and billionaire entrepreneur Rihanna has openly expressed regret over her past fashion choices, particularly her penchant for nude ensembles. The mother of two, reflecting on her earlier style, admitted to feeling incredulous about her previous wardrobe selections, especially her bikini-clad appearances.

In an interview with Vogue, Rihanna candidly acknowledged the evolution of her fashion sense, attributing the transformation to her role as a mother. She confessed to a sense of disbelief when recalling her past risqué outfits, stating,

“I did so much sh*t in my life. I had my nipples out, my panties out.”

The global icon, who welcomed her first child, RZA, with partner A$AP Rocky in May 2022, followed by the birth of their second son, Riot Ross, in August 2023, credited motherhood for her newfound perspective on style.

Rihanna’s remarks underscore a shift in her personal and professional life, aligning with her role as a parent and emphasizing a more refined approach to fashion choices. Her candid reflections offer insight into her journey of growth and self-discovery amidst the spotlight of fame and fortune.
