“Fictional narratives” — SCOAN reacts to TB Joshua documentary

The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) has strongly rebuked the BBC’s recent documentary on its late founder, Temitope Babatunde Joshua, commonly known as Prophet TB Joshua.
In an official statement released by Dare Adejumo, SCOAN’s Public Affairs Director, the church refuted the content of the documentary, branding it as unfounded and emphasizing that the individuals interviewed had no affiliation with the church.
“BBC has compromised these lofty principles by descending into fictional narratives and propaganda, thus turning itself into a weapon for a hatchet job as gangsters in the gab of journalism with a destructive ulterior motive for personal gains against a perceived enemy.
“Only BBC can best explain why it woefully deviated from true journalism and chose to be dishing junks and feeding the public with stones called bread by its offensive and disenchanted reports of disgruntled elements.
The statement aimed to rectify potential misconceptions stemming from the documentary, which has sparked varying reactions within the Christian community and among concerned Nigerians and authorities.
“This to say the least, is insulting to our professional and public intelligence. One thing is very obvious, hundreds of BBC charades cannot rubbish the indelible footprints of TB Joshua’s legacies on earth again.”
The BBC documentary, released on Monday, made significant allegations against TB Joshua, including accusations of rape made by some members.
However, SCOAN contested the validity of the investigative approach taken by BBC’s Africa Eye unit, asserting that it strayed from ethical journalistic principles.
According to SCOAN, the BBC’s investigative tactics failed to uphold fairness, balance, and objectivity, fundamental to responsible journalism and its role as a societal watchdog.
The church’s statement criticized the BBC for presenting what it termed “fictional narratives and propaganda,” accusing the broadcasting network of pursuing a biased agenda for personal gain at the expense of TB Joshua’s reputation.
SCOAN staunchly defended TB Joshua’s legacy, highlighting the multitude of individuals worldwide who claim to have experienced miraculous healings and blessings through his ministry.
The church expressed regret that the BBC chose to overlook these positive testimonies in favor of allegedly biased narrators.
”Some of those identified there are relics of homosexual and lesbian associates. My findings further show that everything the BBC put together is strange to SCOAN.
“One other clearly illogical thing in the charade is the BBC categorical statement that the man of God was involved in all the abuse for over two decades!
“How can that be in a nation governed by law? It shows the station’s crude disrespect and bizarre perception of Nigeria.
Furthermore, the church denounced the BBC’s alleged reliance on disgruntled individuals and suggested that the documentary aimed to defame the church rather than present an objective investigation.
It vehemently opposed the portrayal of TB Joshua’s wife as complicit in any wrongdoing and criticized the timing and credibility of the interviewees’ claims.
“Thank God your report exonerated his only wife of any wrongdoings throughout the decades of your so-called investigated lopsided work.
The church accused the BBC of harboring envy toward SCOAN’s growth and success, likening it to a flourishing tree by a riverside.
Despite the BBC’s allegations, SCOAN remains steadfast in defending TB Joshua’s “legacy” and the positive impact it claims to have had on countless individuals globally.
“This is illogical, irritating, incomprehensible, unfathomable and satanically dubious and malicious,”
The question thus sets on Nigerians and the global world, who is to be believed in the TB Joshua scandal?