Deeper Life Pastor blasts Kumuyi for inviting ‘Philistines’ to speak

Gideon Akande, a former Deeper Life Pastor has called out founder and General Superintendent of the church, Wiliams Kumuyi for inviting ‘Philistines’ to a program the church is organizing.
The Philistines according to Akande are a renowned entrepreneur and former Chairman of First Bank of Nigeria, Ibukun Awosika, gospel singer, Dunsin Oyekan, and co-founder of Andela, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji.
The Pastor who claimed he is now into media evangelism told Kumuyi ‘to go home and rest if he’s tired’ as he shouldn’t ruin what he has built for years following the invitation. He also asked if there are no “successful people in Deeper Life Bible Church than those strangers invited”.
Akande also said “this was how the old RCCG that Rev Akindayomi built collapsed and a new model of RCCG emerged” following invitation to “strangers who come with strange spirits”.
He wrote;
When I was in Deeper Life Bible Church then, as a youth instructor, for all the district, regional and state programs we would invite the best educators, doctors, professionals and others, all successful members of Deeper Life with the same spiritual quality and values and those programs impartations are part of my business success today.
But today, look at the flyer, are you saying there are no more successful people in Deeper Life Bible Church than those strangers invited? Are you saying there are no anointed brothers who can sing better than Dunsin from all the global crusades with different ministrations from Deeper Life choirs? Are there no prophets in Israel that DLBC and Pastor Kumuyi are busy engaging Philistines to their altars because they are obsessed with popularity, anyone popular now is invited. I hope you will not begin to invite Christian comedians in the coming years.
I am no more in Deeper Life Bible Church, God called me into media evangelism but Deeper Life remains my home church.
Sir, Pastor Kumuyi, If you are tired, go home and rest but don’t ruin what you have built for years because I am scared. This is how old RCCG that Rev Akindayomi built collapsed and new model of RCCG emerged. It started gradually by inviting strangers who come with strange spirits. I can’t imagine the various strange spirits those youth will be imparted with in this program.
May God help His servant and His church.
In another post he claimed Jesus never called anyone for unity of the church. Akande wrote;
It is funny that the reason some compromising pastors and churches give when they are going unequally yoked with worldly believers is unity, they said they are doing that for unity. But which unity?
Jesus did not come to the world for unity but for division and He never called anyone to preach unity in divided beliefs. Even when Jesus prayed for the unity of the church in John 17:21, He first prayed for their sanctification in John 17:17. Meaning there cannot unity without holiness.
What Pastor Kumuyi is doing today is not unity but compromise. When you have taught restitution for years, sanctification for years, purity for years and in the name of unity you want to let go of all those virtues and unite with people who make do not believe in total holiness or who jest of restitution and godly dressing? So who called him into such unity mission?
If you are are pursuing unity of worship without first pursue unity of sanctification, your unity is from the pit of hell. And the same people will fall for world unity under the Anti-Christ. The devil is running a test of uniting denominations together before he will unite all religions together in the name of unity.
I refuse to fall for this unholy unity. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord in His unchanging word, we wil contend for faith as of old and not as of 2021.
Akande also said that 80% of the youth in Deeper Life Bible Church were born into the church but majority of them are not born again. He further claimed that they are enduring the doctrines of holiness because they don’t want their parents to be disciplined.
The Pastor asked if Kumuyi “wants to finish the youths before he finishes his race”. He added;
About 80% of the youth in Deeper Life Bible Church were born into the church but majority of them are not born again, they were only born into the church. So they are only enduring the doctrines of holiness since many are not really born again but they don’t want their parents to be disciplined.
I remember some years back, Pastor Kumuyi said something in his message that some pastors were complaining that the youth don’t like this, they don’t like that and he said something like, “What? Will you allow these children to be dictating to us? The children we gave birth to and sent to schools and they come back and want to dictate to you? Never!” That was some years back. But things changed on his 80th birthday Sunday services when he publicly declared the youth could come and give the church better ideas.
And the youth are really doing it now, giving better and bad ideas, bringing strange fire to the altar of God, as long it is what the youth want, Baba is old.
It seems Baba is ready to pamper and please the youth with everything now, even if it will include inviting “Christian” comedians to youth programs?
Does Baba wants to finish the youth before he finishes his race?