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What Goodluck Jonathan discussed with Tinubu in closed door meeting



What Goodluck Jonathan discussed with Tinubu in closed door meeting

Former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, held a meeting with President Bola Tinubu at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Friday.

Following the closed-door meeting, Jonathan referred to himself as a “roving ambassador” and spoke to reporters from the State House.

During the press interaction, Jonathan disclosed that the purpose of his visit was to brief President Tinubu on his regional, continental, and international engagements.

He also took the opportunity to congratulate Tinubu on his recent victory at the apex court.

Jonathan explained,

“I have been involved in a number of things in West Africa and Africa.

“In fact, tomorrow (Saturday), I will be in Kenya, and on the 14th of November, I will be in Liberia, so I am like a roving Ambassador seeing how we can bring peace to the subregion and the continent.”

Regarding Nigeria’s potential to lead Africa through a successful transition of power, Jonathan emphasized the importance of Nigeria taking a prominent role on the continent.

He cited discussions he had organized on democracy dialogue, where Professor Lumumba stressed the need for Nigeria to lead Africa.

Jonathan acknowledged that while Nigeria faces economic challenges, the country still possesses the capacity to assume a leadership position in Africa.

He further clarified that his discussions with President Tinubu focused on national and regional interests, highlighting that it is a tradition for former presidents to brief the current president on their foreign programs and engagements related to the continent and the region.

Jonathan concluded,

“When you see me here, what we come to do, to move Nigeria forward and to move ECOWAS forward and to move the African continent forward.”
