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Nigerian Teen gets accepted into 8 American Ivy League Universities



Nigerian Teen gets accepted into 8 American Ivy League Universities

Sometimes, life is all about shooting your shots, and it becomes very evident in the case of a Nigerian teen that got accepted into 8 Ivy League American Universities.

“I just decided to shoot my shot at all of them and see if it would land,” Ashley Adirika said after she was accepted into all eight Ivy League schools she applied for in the States.

Ashley Adirika as reported by CNN is a resident of Florida who is both Nigerian and American due in part to her parents, and always had the dreams of attending one of the Ivy League schools.

The dream definitely ended up becoming a reality after she had applied for them and ultimately got accepted into all of them the day the schools chose to announce its list.

“I just decided to shoot my shot at all of them and see if it would land. And I had no idea that I would get accepted into all of them,” she says. “On Ivy Day, I remember crying a lot and just being extremely surprised.” The 17 year old girl said.

“Before the college application process, Yale was actually my top choice. But when I did further research for what I want to do specifically, which is explorations in policy and social policy and things of that nature, Harvard just had a better program,” she revealed.

Ashley had graduated from Miami Beach Senior High School earlier this month before her acceptance into the Ivy League schools.

Prior to Adirika’s acceptance into the schools, it’s been on record that since 2018, each Ivy League school had accepted less than 12% of its applicants, with Yale accepting on 4.5% this year, along with Columbia taking only 3.7% and Harvard accepting just 3.2%, the lowest number in the university’s history.

Ashley also got accepted to seven other top-rated schools, including Stanford, Vanderbilt and Emory. She picked Harvard, where she plans to major in government this fall.

Choosing between Harvard and Yale was one of confliction for Ashley though, something that ultimately ended up being decided by her career aspirations.

Her goal is to learn how government works and how policies can help fix economic disparities in communities.

It’s worth saying she made the right call in its eventuality, knowing what she wanted and how to shoot her shots.

A story like hers will go on to inspire other teens particularly those of the Nigerian teen bracket in their path towards academic excellence.

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