10 Interesting Agricultural Farm Ideas You Can Explore
Thinking of going into farming? Then this is for you. You can never go wrong with agricultural business anywhere in the world if you exploit the right idea and know your onions very well.
Commercial farming is a very lucrative business, which is currently the new oil in Nigeria as farm products are in high demand. No matter what, people must feed. Apart from the low-cost of starting up and running the business, agricultural businesses turn out a huge profit of up to 100% and more, depending on the area you choose to explore. Although the challenges of sustaining the business are usually high, the moment you have stabilized, the rest will fall into place effortlessly.
Just in case you are wondering which agricultural sector you should delve into, this article will guide your decision.
Fish Farming
Growing fishes is one of the easiest forms of farming you can think of. With the increasing numbers of eateries, hotels and fast food, the market for fish is larger than just food for homes. To start a fish farm, you need ample space to build your pond or makeshift fish tanks. You can start with between 20 – 50 fingerlings depending on the size of your storage facility. Catfish is usually most fish farmers target in Nigeria, you can either join the bandwagon or go for a rare market, as long as there is a market for it. You can also breed inedible fishes for aquarium purposes.
Poultry Farming
Unlike in the last decades, where sales of chicken used to be a big deal mostly during festive periods, more people now consume chicken on a daily basis. You can start rearing birds from your backyard, or even in any abandoned property around you. Note that, poultry usually requires close watching – regular cleaning, adequate spacing, feeding of the birds, water, vaccination, quarantining of sick birds and more. It’s a lot and you need to be prepared for the stress that comes before the sales. Instead of just lives, you can also include sales of frozen chicken to your business, which brings more profit and of course, requires more work.
Mushroom Farming
This area is an untapped industry in the Nigerian agricultural industry because most local farmers who stumble on mushrooms in their farms are not aware it can be deliberately cultivated. Not all mushrooms are edible, therefore it is essential to eliminate the possibilities of gathering poisonous mushroom by cultivating more of the edible ones. To start up, you will need mushroom shed, sawdust, Polythene bags, Spawns/mushrooms seeds, Urea/nitrogen fertilizer, Lime, water, ceiling machine, weighing scale, and refrigerator.
The market is saturated with various brands of honey, some of which are diluted. However, you can create a niche for your brand by producing and selling freshly collected natural honey. All businesses come with risks and being stung by a bee is one among the other risks you can face in bee farming. However, the outcome is worth the risk at the end, because original honey is in hot demand due to the numerous benefits of the product.
Fruit Juice Production
In Nigeria, lots of fresh foods perish due to lack of adequate storage facilities. You can salvage this situation by processing fresh fruit for a later use. Fruit processing can be done in two ways – freshly squeezed in small quantity to be refrigerated and consumed within 48 hours or extracted and processed with additives/preservatives and packaged for a larger market.
Spices Production
A good meal is incomplete without salt to taste and other spices like pepper, curry, thyme, nutmeg. You can take advantage of that by processing and packaging some local spices like uda seeds, tatachi, ofor, achi and more.
Coconut Products
There is a lot you can drive from coconut, and this market is yet to be explored to the fullest. From coconut candy, to coconut cream, coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut flavors, you can make money from producing and packaging one or all of these.
Baby Food
Every nursing mother desires an alternative and affordable food for their child as imported baby food is becoming more expensive by the day. The list is long; soya milk, ground soya beans, custard, pap, ground wheat and more, explore this market with kids [0-6years] as your primary target.
E-Commerce Sales of Farm Products
You don’t have to be a direct farmer to explore agriculture, you can be a retailer of farm products online. With e-commerce platforms fairly competing with physical markets in most urban cities, selling livestock and food stocks is a very lucrative aspect of agriculture to consider.
Export of Agricultural Products
Most non-resident Nigerians are constantly on the look for where to buy Nigerian food stock. You can tap into the market to export local food like dried bitter leaf, hot chilli Pepper, Ukazi leaf, Kolanut, Potato, Ginger, Kilishi, Soyabean, Groundnut, Okra, Cassava, Yam, Ofada rice, garri, Pounded Yam Flour and more. Agriculture is the new oil in Nigeria, join the industry today!