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25 action points on how To Overcome Low Self-Esteem



When your self-esteem is low, the concept of loving yourself is completely foreign. You see yourself as lacking and unworthy and feel there is nothing to love. In fact, there seems to be far more reason to loathe yourself than love yourself. The worse you feel about yourself, the less energy and motivation you have to do what it takes to build your self-esteem around.

Self-esteem improves by changing both your thoughts and behaviors. You must practice new thoughts and behaviors until you begin to turn the tide of your feelings about yourself. Here are some actions to improve your low self-esteem.


  1. Become proficient at something: When you practice and become skilled at something you enjoy, your increasing competency and the discipline of practice will be a source of pride and fulfillment for you.
  2. Reclaim your integrity: If you are living outside of your integrity, you will feel disoriented, guilty, and drained. Define what integrity means for you, and make the necessary changes to live in accordance with it.
  3. Exercise: Exercise makes you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It provides a sense of control over your health and vitality.
  4. Volunteer: When we serve and support other people, we feel uplifted and valued. We have found a way to show empathy and connection through service.
  5. Care about your appearance: When you look your best, you feel better. You project an outward image of self-esteem and confidence, even if you do not feel that way.
  6. Do something creative: Creative endeavors put you in the “flow” state in which you are intently engaged in what you are doing. It stimulates the brain and potentially leads you to a passion or avocation.
  7. Plan something exciting: Plan for a trip or adventure so that you have something exciting to look forward to. Just the planning process with make you feel engaged and purposeful.
  8. Have a change of scenery: Actually going on a trip, working from another location, or spending time out of your house will give you a boost of energy and motivation.
  9. Spend time with a friend: Good friends accept us as we are, love us for who we are, and provide an outlet for fun and companionship. Our best friends are a reflection of the good in ourselves.
  10. Get clear on your values: Determine your core values in life, the principles around which you want your life centered. Examine your life to see where you are not in alignment with the values and make the necessary changes to fix that.
  11. Write down your accomplishments: Think back through your life to all that you have accomplished on your journey so far. List everything you have done that you feel proud of.
  12. Read something inspirational: Read books and articles that uplift you and make you feel positive. Stay away from negative television programs or anything that reinforces a poor self-image.
  13. Stretch yourself: Step outside of your comfort zone in some way. Stretch yourself to try something new, meet different people, or approach a situation in an unconventional way.
  14. Take care of your relationships: Focus your love, time, and attention on the people you care about most. Nurture your relationships and find ways to communicate fully and enjoy a richer experience with your loved ones.
  15. Teach someone: You have skills and abilities to share with others. Teach someone who is interested in learning. Offer your knowledge and experience as a gift.
  16. Practice positive affirmations: Keep an affirmation journal in which you write positive, loving statements about yourself. Repeat those affirmations daily, first thing in the morning and before you go to sleep.
  17. Seek your life passion: Make time in your life to seek your passion out. The process of having a goal to find it will give your life a sense of purpose.
  18. Give and receive affection: Offer and receive physical affection from family and friends. Physical touch supports bonding between people, reduces anxiety, improves your mood, and creates connections.
  19. Increase your standards: Challenge yourself to do a bit better, go a bit farther, behave more lovingly than you have in the past. Set the bar higher, and you will feel proud of who you are.
  20. Have a purpose: Start considering what your life purpose might be. Why are you here? What could be your legacy and how can you make that a centerpiece of your life?
  21. Let go of draining people: If there are people in your life who put you down, drain you of energy, or take advantage of you, begin to gently let them slip from your life. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people who value you.
  22. Network: Expand your network of friends and associates to broaden your horizons and create new life and career opportunities..
  23. Create personal boundaries: Know what your personal boundaries are and how you will react when people cross them. Be more assertive and don’t allow others to take advantage of you
  24. Simplify: An over-scheduled and complicated life will lead to stress and overwhelm. You have no time to make positive changes in your life that help build self-esteem. Begin to clear things off your to-do list and simplify all areas of your life.
  25. Be an initiator: Don’t wait for others to make the plans, call the shops, or come up with the ideas. Be the initiator, the first responder, the one who takes charge. Practice this even if it feels uncomfortable at first.


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