Why You Should Live Deliberately

By Yetunde Olasiyan
There are no moments of dress rehearsal in life. Everything is at stake. While life allows you to amend some mistakes, it doesn’t give you the chance to amend others. The regret of those other mistakes may follow you to the hereafter.
So many people go through life passively without giving a thought to their actions and footprints. They make decisions and take actions which not only have present consequences but eternal ones.
Even your journey to the world was deliberate. It wasn’t an afterthought. You were deliberately formed and made by God.
I really don’t know how long you have lived. Probably a decade, two or three decades. But what are the actions you have taken that you are now regretting or will probably regret later?
No, this isn’t a motivational speech. It isn’t a feel-good message too. It is a call to action.
Before taking that giant step, have you really thought about it? Are you sure that this is where you want to be? Are you sure of what you are doing presently? Would you smile or frown if you look back at your present action five or ten years down the line?
Before staying in that job, relationship, marriage, friendship, are you sure you should be doing so?
Before starting that business, are you sure you should even be in business?
Are you sure you are ready to start a home? Are you sure you are supposed to live where you are now?
Life isn’t permanent. No one is permanent. Nothing is permanent, only God is.
By all means, chase money, build a life, be successful. But this is not truly what real life and living is about. The beauty of our existence is beyond money making, childbearing and unreal friendships.
It is about the fortune of hope, of the beautiful life in the hereafter, of the smiles, the love, the laughter, satisfaction of contentment and knowing how to be grateful for the little things in life.
After pursuing your dreams, amassing all the wealth, getting married, getting a higher degree, what else? It will never bring you real peace and satisfaction.
It will not make your happiness complete. Does life ever even bring complete happiness to anyone?
So, be deliberate in your actions. Be wise with your choices. Think deeply if walking away would solve your problem, ask yourself if what you hold dear right now will eventually matter in the long run.
Be deliberate in your friendships.. You don’t need the crowd. You need a few who are genuine.
Be deliberate in your choice of profession… It takes over the major portion of your existence, your productive years shouldn’t amount to nothing. You must be able to account for it. Be deliberate in whom you share love affection with…. Do not passively choose anyone to walk through the journey of life with you. This, is the highest form of regret.
Be deliberate in your walk with God. It not only matters now, it determines every other aspect of your life. You can never wish him away, or try to rationally explain him or give reasons why you are self sufficient. Believe me, no one is sufficient. Everything still happens under his watch.