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“What Arteta did to me at Arsenal” — Aubameyang



"What Arteta did to me at Arsenal" -- Aubameyang

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has launched scathing accusations against his former coach, Mikel Arteta, alleging betrayal and mistreatment during their tumultuous relationship at Arsenal.

The former Arsenal captain, who signed an 18-month contract extension with the club before his departure in February 2022, saw his tenure come to an abrupt end in December 2021 when he was permanently dropped by Arteta.

Arteta’s decision to freeze out Aubameyang reportedly stemmed from the striker’s late return from a pre-approved trip, leading to a breakdown in their relationship.

Aubameyang subsequently agreed to terminate his contract with Arsenal and secured a deadline day move to Barcelona. However, his stint at the Camp Nou was short-lived, followed by an unsuccessful transfer to London rivals Chelsea for the 2022-23 season.

In an interview with Colinterview, Aubameyang revealed details of the incident that led to his fallout with Arteta. He claimed to have obtained permission from Arteta for an extended trip to attend to his mother, who had suffered a stroke.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's last insult to Arsenal and why Mikel Arteta  forced him out -

“My mother a few months before had a stroke, it was going to be Christmas time so I went to see the coach and I said to him: “Coach, I’m coming to see you because I’d like to leave, I’m going to go pick up my mother to bring her back for the holidays.”

“He tells me no problem.'”

Despite adhering to COVID-19 protocols, Aubameyang faced a harsh response from Arteta upon his return. The coach accused him of betrayal and promptly stripped him of the captaincy, relegating him to separate training sessions away from the team.

“I arrive, the coach finishes his meeting, and then he grabs me and completely tears into me, He shouts at me like I’m crazy. He says: “You put a knife in my back. You can’t do that to me, given the times we’re going through.” At that moment, I tell myself that I’m not going to answer him because it’s going to end angrily. “

"What Arteta did to me at Arsenal" -- Aubameyang

Aubameyang recounted a final meeting with Arteta before his departure, where the coach expressed his intention to use him as an “example” to the dressing room. However, Aubameyang maintained that Arteta’s actions were unjust and lacked empathy.

“Once again, (Arteta) explains why he is against me during this period when it was complicated for the club. That I have to be an example and that I couldn’t do that. At that moment, I said, “I admit that I have my share of responsibility, but the real cause I think you can understand if you are a little bit human. You can understand my move.” 

Following the fallout, Aubameyang spent a month training alone before eventually departing from Arsenal.
