Pakistan and Iran have joined forces to combat terrorism, with both nations agreeing to implement measures aimed at curbing extremist organizations within their borders. The decision...
A tragic suicide bomb attack in northwest Pakistan has claimed the lives of five Chinese workers and their local driver, authorities reported on Tuesday, marking the...
A court in Pakistan on Monday indicted former Prime Minister Imran Khan for leaking the content of a classified diplomatic cable amid mounting legal...
12 people have reportedly died in an explosion that rocked a counter-terrorism office in Pakistan. Topnaija reports that the blast occurred in...
Noor Mukadam, the daughter of a former Pakistani diplomat, was allegedly raped, tortured and beheaded by her boyfriend in July. Zahir Jaffer, a 30 year old...
Gunmen shot and killed a mother and her daughter who were part of an anti-polio campaign in Pakistan, the latest attack against health workers trying to...