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Sports Presenter arrested on suspicion of Child Rape



Sports Presenter arrested on suspicion of Child Rape

According to The Sun media, a TV sports presenter has been arrested on suspicion of child rape. Though the identity of said presenter has not been disclosed, it is reported that the arrest occurred at the presenter’s home at 4am earlier this week.

It followed a police raid that resulted in the confiscation of electronic devices and documents for examination.

The suspect was reportedly held in custody for approximately 18 hours and underwent questioning by the police before being released on bail pending further inquiries. The allegations are historical, involving incidents that allegedly occurred when the child was under the age of 10.

The complainant, who reported the alleged abuse, was interviewed by specialist child abuse investigation officers. According to the allegations, the rape on said child occurred on multiple occasions.

A neighbor of the arrested man described the scene, saying, “The police turned up very early. They took him away and were there for a while carrying out a search. Everyone is shocked at his arrest.”

The investigation is ongoing as authorities continue to gather evidence and conduct further inquiries.
