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Social media bill passes second reading in Senate



Nigerian Senate on Social media bill

The controversial social media bill has passed its second reading in the Nigerian Senate on Wednesday

The bill is for an act to make provision for the protection from Internet Falsehood and Manipulations for and for related matters.

The bill, which was sponsored by Senator Musa Mohammed Sani representing Niger East Senatorial District would restrict cyberspace falsehood against any citizen if passed into law.

In his contribution, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani explained that cyberspace laws were enough to take care of the bill, saying that other advanced countries never established such laws.

“Yes, fake news has done a lot in America, but they have not legislated on restricting their citizens when it comes to social media contents.”

Senator Bala Ibn N’allah representing Kebbi North Senatorial district coming on Order 39(1)(3) said the social media law would support the right to Freedom of expression which was stated in the Constitution.

In his ruling, President of the Senate, Dr. Ahmad Lawan referred the bill to the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters.

The committee is expected to present its report on the bill in four weeks.

I love to read, write and TRAVEL!!! The media space is my canvas to paint the truths of our brands and the stories of our Nigerian culture. I love a good book any day because with them I can travel to spaces that are perfect in their frame.

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