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Dr. Sid mistaken for yahoo boy, harassed by SARS officials



Beards – Check

Funky hairstyle – Check

Car – Check

Issa yahoo boy!

And that was how SARS officials along Freedom way, Lekki phase 1 mistook Nigerian singer, Dr. Sid for a yahoo boy and harassed him.

According to reports, Dr. Sid was in a car with Reekado Banks and Ksolo when they were stopped by SARS officials. Their car was searched and when the officials found nothing incriminating, they seized his phone.

The SARS officials later released him after they realized that he is a celebrity.

Dr Sid harassed by SARS officials after they mistook him for a yahoo boy


Sidney Onoriode Esiri, known commonly as, Dr SID is a Nigerian singer-songwriter. He is from Urhobo in Delta state but born and raised in Lagos.

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