Sandra Bullock reveals she is taking a break from Hollywood

She has starred in many movies, produced quite a few and won awards for them, but now, Hollywood actress, Sandra Bullock reveals it’s time to take a break.
And it might take longer before fans ever get to see her on screen again, she confirms.
The actress mentioned earlier in her press tour for her recent movie with Channing Tatum, and Daniel Radcliffe, ‘The Lost City’ that she would be taking a break from acting to focus on her two children.
In another follow-up interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Bullock revealed she couldn’t quite say when she would return.
“I don’t want to be beholden to anyone’s schedule other than my own,” she said.
“I’m so burnt out. I’m so tired, and I’m so not capable of making healthy, smart decisions and I know it.
“I really don’t. Work has always been steady for me, and I’ve been so lucky. I realized it possibly was becoming my crutch.
“It was like opening up a fridge all the time and looking for something that was never in the fridge,” she said.
“I said to myself, ‘Stop looking for it here because it doesn’t exist here. You already have it; establish it, find it and be OK not having work to validate you.'”
The Hollywood star, Sandra Bullock has starred in 50 films at her current age of 57, she has done quite well to produce a number of films too, including some she starred in.
She recently worked on back to back Netflix original film ‘The Unforgivable’ and ‘The Lost City’ for Paramount without taking a break.
Bullock shared that ‘The Lost City’ was the kind of good note she wanted to go out on.
“I love working with artists, and that’s why [producer Liza Chasin] and I were very well-matched,” she said.
“If I’m going out with a bang, I want to go out with the right person.”
It’s unlikely it’s a retirement plan for the actress, considering Paramount still has interests in making a Lost City sequel with the star, and according to producer, Liza Chasin, she did confirm the two were working on something.
“Sandy and I are going to do something together. It might just be baking cookies. We don’t know what it is yet – it might be a movie – but it is going to be great.”