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Rivers State Government Introduces Free Buses As Palliative Measure Amid Fuel Subsidy Removal



In response to the recent removal of fuel subsidies by the federal government, the government of Rivers State, led by Governor Siminalayi Fubara, has launched a free bus service to alleviate the economic impact on its residents.

The unveiling of the free buses, aimed at providing relief to the masses, took place with representatives of the state government in attendance.

Governor Fubara, who Deputy Governor Ngozi Nma Odu represented, emphasized that introducing the free bus service was a deliberate intervention by the Rivers State government to mitigate the economic challenges faced by its citizens.

Odu expressed gratitude for the initiative, urging the residents to cherish and make the most of this gift.

It is a gift given to us, and therefore, we must treasure it,” Odu said during the unveiling of the buses.

Dr. Jacobson Nbina, the Rivers State Commissioner for Transport, highlighted that the free bus service would run for three years. This initiative is seen as a palliative measure to support the people of Rivers State during the economic transition.

George Nweke, the Head of Service in Rivers State, applauded the government’s decision, emphasizing that the free bus service would significantly benefit the masses, particularly civil servants.

Introducing the buses is expected to ease the transportation burden for many individuals, contributing to their overall well-being.

Fani Barango, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of civil servants in the state, highlighting the positive impact this gesture would have on their lives. Free transportation services are seen as a tangible benefit that will improve the daily lives of the state’s workforce.

Commercial drivers, who were interviewed regarding the government’s initiative, acknowledged that while it might affect their businesses to some extent, they recognized it as a positive move by the Fubara administration. They appreciated the government’s effort to ease the financial strain on the populace and acknowledged the importance of supporting the masses during these challenging times.

Introducing the free bus service in Rivers State is seen as a proactive step by the government to alleviate the burden caused by the removal of fuel subsidies.

By providing this palliative measure, the government aims to ease the financial strain on its residents and foster a sense of relief and gratitude among the public.

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Fenton is a talented and experienced news and entertainment writer at TopNaija, passionate about sharing stories that matter. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for crafting engaging and compelling content, he has built a strong reputation as a reliable and insightful writer. Fenton is a dedicated and talented writer committed to producing high-quality content that is informative, entertaining, and engaging.
