Revealed: How To Attract Investors To Your Small Business

As an entrepreneur, one of the major challenges your business faces is getting the funding to make your plans come to fruition.
There could be a number of things stopping you from getting funding. However, if you are already doing the right things, you can use some of these trends to make your business more attractive to investors and you’ll also get more business while doing these things.
Here are the trends your business should be adopting:
- Establish your office culture early
If your business has a great model but is devoid of a properly cultivated culture, you are bound to run into some trouble, just look at what is going on with Uber.
Investors want a return on their investments and would not want to be associated with a business with a negative reputation. It is important that you have a combination of a business model, strategic plan and a compelling culture. All these have to be established early.
- Have a social media voice
A good social media helps your business get noticed by investors, if your campaign is engaging enough, the good news about your business will spread. The best part about this is that you can easily compete with the bigger businesses if you do it right.
Play to your strengths. Involve your customers, let them tell the story of how your product or service has helped them. Don’t be uptight, make fun of yourself sometimes. This will make you look much more genuine.
Ensure you are using social media listening tools to learn what people are saying about you and respond as appropriate.
Rather than employing a social media manager and dumping all the work on that person, have all staff be a social media advocate for your business. Encourage them to show how life in your company is.
- Go offline too
Even if all your business is done online, go offline and meet the people using your products and services. Offer incentives to customers for choosing your business, they don’t have to be expensive. It could be something as small as a handwritten thank-you note.
Be a part of your community where your business is located, participate in community projects like cleaning up, blood drives. Support a cause that aligns with your brand ideals.
- Take advantage of technology
Taking advantage of technology is more than just having a website and social media presence. It also means that you use productivity tools to make your business more efficient and productive.
Use productivity tools like Slack, Trello and more to improve your productivity.
Investors take these sort of things to mean your business is serious about what it does and would easily adapt to changes in technology.
- Go the extra mile
Go beyond what every other business is doing to make their customers happy. This means looking for creative ways to market your products, train your support staff to be as customer-focused as possible. You have to leave your customers feeling happy about doing business with you every time.