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PHOTOS: Linda Ikeji takes project to Secondary Schools in Lagos



One of Africa’s leading gossip bloggers, Linda Ikeji has taken it upon herself to share her story towards inspiring others to live significant lives. She took her ‘I’d Rather Be Selfmade Project’ a step further by visiting two schools in Lagos recently. Read her words below:

This Secondary school tour, an offshoot of my ‘I’d Rather Be Selfmade Project’, so far, has been one of the single most amazing thing that’s happened to me in a while. Just imagine 15, 16 year old girls who know who you are, running to hug you and tell you you inspire them. I can’t describe the feeling. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, success is not about acquiring wealth, and living the life, true success is the lives you that touch and change.

So I began my tour yesterday and went to two secondary schools. Yinkyem Schools and Bosworth College also in Mafoluku to share my message with young girls in SS 2 and 3, as I believe this is the age when they need to be guided as they navigate through their various paths in life.

It’s been an amazing experience so far, the reception from the girls has been mind blowing and I can’t wait to visit more schools to share my message. The message is basically telling girls to believe more in themselves, work hard and never be discouraged no matter how hard it gets. My hope is that in the next 5,10,15 years, there will be many more female entrepreneurs and selfmade billionaire business women…:-). Anyway, check out photos from 2 out of the 3 schools I’ve been to so far, after the cut

Bosworth College

The boys wished they could join…lol

Photos from Yinkyem International Schools below..


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