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PHOTOS: 41 Nigerians deported from UK arrive Lagos



Forty-one Nigerians, comprising 33 males and eight females, landed at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos on Wednesday morning.

They landed at the cargo terminal of the airport.

Muhammad Sidi, director general of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), said the deportees were sent away from England for committing various immigration offenses.

“From the manifest with me, 41 Nigerians are on board and according to the British High Commission in Nigeria, they were deported because they committed various immigration offences,” Sidi, who was represented by Onimode Bandele, a deputy director of the agency, said.

Below are two pictures of some of the deportees:


Two of them disembarking from the plane.


Sorting out their luggage

Photo credit: NAN

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