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Pastor Adeboye breaks silence on punishment for rapists



Pastor Enoch Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, says he and his prayer warriors will not rest in prayers until the perpetrators of rape are accorded stiffer penalty.


Adeboye said during a live programme on DOVE TV, monitored in Ibadan, Oyo State on Sunday, that the issue of rape had become rampant in the society.

He described rape as bad and unbiblical, and added that it could leave a permanent scar on the victim for the rest of her life. According to him, there is no pain that can be compared to the pain on the parents whose daughter had been raped.

Adeboye said, “My prayer warriors and I will not rest in prayers until the perpetrators of this evil are brought to justice, not only in Nigeria but all over the world.

“Everyone who has ever committed rape, particularly in Nigeria, and the world, the all-knowing God will fish them out. As much as I hate death sentence, I think every form of punishment that will be given to a rapist cannot be considered too severe.”

He, however, Adeboye advised Nigerians against subjecting themselves to what he described as mental lockdown. He said the effect of such mental lockdown could be more intense than the physical lockdown being experienced the world over in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adeboye, who said, “The journey up begins from your knees,” stated that physical, mental and spiritual lockdown were the worst experiences a man could face in life.

“I believe some of you are already gathering in some parts of the world and we believe that you will now begin to enjoy the power of corporate prayers once again. As you gather together in all those places where you are free to gather, please, remember those of us who cannot gather with you yet.

“People like me and my wife cannot gather with you in Lagos because we are over 65 years of age. My grandchildren cannot gather with you because they are under 15years of age. Remember us in prayer so that soon, we can join you.”

Reading from Acts 3 verse 1-8, he relayed the story of a lame man who was daily brought to the entrance of the ‘Beautiful Gate’ to beg for alms. Seeing Peter and John, he begged for alms but got a miracle of healing instead.

Adeboye said, “Very soon, you will move from lockdown to leaping up. Man is born free but is everywhere in chains was what one great philosopher said. The hunger for freedom is so intense in man that any opportunity they have to be free, they would grab it.”

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