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MASSOB Describes Buhari’s Anti Corruption War As All Talk Without Action



The leadership of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB has described the anti corruption war of the All Progressives Congress, APC, as all talk without action. They stated that under the Buhari administration, the country has witnessed the greatest height of corruption without those involved being punished. MASSOB said the administration of President Buhari instead of punishing corrupt people in his administration, rewarded them, patted them on the back and gave them soft landing while their cases die natural deaths. MASSOB in a statement by its leader, Comrade Uchenna Madu said: “Since the inception of democratic rule in Nigeria, the country has never been run in such a high magnitude of illiterate tribal domination and corrupt tendencies. “The Buhari administration has shown to the world that he is a resolute promoter of Islamic fundamentalism. He has also proved to be a radical and stubborn enforcer of the grand command of Islamic domination ordered by Uthman Dan Fodio. “Records have it that former President Olusegun Obasanjo sacked his IGP Tafa Balogun for corruption; backed the impeachment of the then Senate President, Adolphus Wabara for alleged corruption; sacked his own ministers, Fabian Osuji, S.M Afolabi, Hussein Akwanga, Tim Menakaya, for alleged corruption, just as he sacked Mrs Mobolaji Osomo for alleged administrative infraction. “The same way, late former President Umaru Yar’Adua sacked Mrs Adenike Grange as Minister of Health for alleged administrative infraction. “It is on records that former President Goodluck Jonathan also sacked Senator Stella Odua for alleged corruption, even when she was one of the most powerful ministers close to former President Jonathan. Also former President Jonathan sacked Mr. Abdulrasheed Maina as the chairman of the Presidential Task Force on Pension Reform for alleged corruption, but President Buhari is patting on the back, soft landing and rewarding alleged corrupt officials with more appointments. . “We therefore make bold to ask who has President Buhari sacked for the reported cases of alleged corruption and infractions in his government? “On the case of Babachir, we wish to remind that the same President Buhari wrote the Senate, defended and exonerated Babachir of all wrong doings leveled against him. It was the cries of citizens that forced him to sack Babachir and have him replaced with his own brother, Boss Mustapha. In other words, Mr. Babachir brought his own replacement, that is soft landing and patting on the back and rewarding alleged corrupt people with appointments of their relatives.” MASSOB further read: We in MASSOB, wish to remind the citizens that President Buhari also reappointed sacked alleged corrupt men as a compensation for being Fulanis, who were all sacked for corruption and violation of their oaths of offices. Abdulrasheed Maina was the chairman of the Presidential Task Force on Pension Reform. He was secretly recalled and reinstated by President Buhari. He was even promoted to the position of Director in charge of Human Resources in the Ministry of Interior. Maina was dismissed by President Jonathan in 2013 following recommendations by the Office of the Head of Service. He was said to have stolen about 100billion naira from the pension fund. Zakari Biu (CP) was dismissed following his complicity in the escape from police detention of notorious Boko Haram suspect, Kabiru Sokoto. He was reinstated and promoted to the rank of AIG by President Buhari before he was gloriously retired from active service.

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