Join #ICareChallenge to fight Childhood Cancer! Drop a Kind Comment here for Children living with Cancer

Want to encourage a child living with cancer? Drop a kind comment on this post to be shown to them. Your encouragement goes a long way!
Do you know that more than 80% of Childhood cancer cases in Nigeria end in death? While developed countries in Europe and America record less than 10% of Childhood cancer cases ending in death. You may ask why? The reason is simple – Awareness. Nigerians are not aware of this silent killer amongst our children hence little support is available and treatment commences late.
Another very important factor speeding up the death of these children is the strong feeling of being all alone. Many affected children feel like an abomination to society, they feel forgotten by their God, and they feel rejected and alone.
We have a responsibility as members of society to use our voice to uplift our children suffering from cancer. Make sure all your comments are only positive words and words of encouragement as we will be showing these posts to the children. Encourage people around you to also drop positive comments.
Join us in the #Icarechallenge which aims to provide you a platform to reach out to these children living with cancer.
To participate simply follow these steps
- Make a short video of yourself, your family, colleagues or friends and say “I support children living with cancer”, you may end your video with prayers and kind words
- Post on your Instagram page with the following hashtags #Icarechallenge #AfriCare4Children #ChildrenWithCancer #CLWCF #Afriglobal
- Make sure you tag @CLWCF @AfriglobalMedicare to have your videos reposted and shown to these children.
Use your voice and save a child!
You may also post on Facebook, make sure you tag @Childrenlivingwithcancerfoundation and @Afriglobalmedicarelimited
On Twitter, simply tweet using the hashtags #Africare4Children #CLWCF #Afriglobal
The month of September is dedicated to raising awareness for childhood cancer worldwide, hence any individual, family or corporate organisation interested in releasing balloons around Lagos on Friday, September 1st by 10.00 am, should send a message to us on the following platforms
Instagram: @CLWCF and @afriglobalMedicare
Facebook: @CLWCF and @afriglobalMedicareLimited
Twitter: @CLWCF and @afriglobalmed
Email: info@afriglobalmedicare.com or info@clwcf.com
We need your voice and more importantly, the children need your support. For your support, you will get many exciting gifts from Afriglobal Medicare daily.
Follow our social media handles above for daily and live updates of the activities all through the month of September which will include a Walkathon on Saturday, September 23rd. If you would like to be a part of the walkathon simply send a message and request a free T-shirt which will be given at the start venue of the walkathon.
This message is brought to you by Children Living with Cancer Foundation and is proudly sponsored by Afriglobal Medicare Limited.
This post was published FREE as part of TopNaija.ng’s support for this cause.