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“I was taken out of context” — Yvonne Jegede on Yul Edochie



"I was taken out of context" -- Yvonne Jegede on Yul Edochie

Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede has clarified her statement regarding her recent endorsement of colleague Yul Edochie’s second marriage, asserting that her comments were not intended to trivialize the pain of his aggrieved first wife, May Edochie.

Jegede’s initial remarks were made during a recent appearance on ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, where she endorsed Yul Edochie’s controversial second marriage to Judy Austin, asserting that the actor had done “nothing wrong.”

This statement sparked a backlash, with many accusing Jegede of downplaying the distress of May Edochie.

In a heartfelt statement shared via her Instagram page, Jegede expressed regret over the misunderstanding and clarified her true intentions.

“Upon reflecting on the interview, I realize that my words were not articulated in a way that conveyed my true intentions and have been misconstrued as insensitive, particularly towards Mrs. May Edochie, a woman who has endured significant pain and hardship occasioned by estranged marriage,” Jegede wrote.

“I deeply regret that my comments were perceived as adding to her distress. It was never my intention to cause any pain or disrespect. I am truly sorry.”

Yvonne Jegede went on to explain that her comments about polygamy were meant to reflect its cultural context and emphasize the importance of how it is practiced.

“My goal was to convey that polygamy is part of our culture, but what matters is how it is approached. Unfortunately, this message was lost in my articulation,” she continued.

She also stressed that her remarks were not intended to diminish the experiences of May Edochie or any woman facing similar struggles.

“I do not claim to have advanced knowledge of the personal circumstances between Yul Edochie and his ex-wife,” Jegede added, aiming to dispel any further misunderstandings.
