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“I am appalled by the act” — Peter Obi calls for Justice



“I am appalled by the act" -- Peter Obi calls for Justice

In response to the tragic killing of soldiers in Abia State, the 2023 Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has demanded a comprehensive investigation. Obi emphasized that Nigerians cannot remain indifferent while the nation is ravaged by violence and fear.

The incident occurred at the Obikabia Junction checkpoint in Obingwa Local Government Area during a sit-at-home order declared by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to honor those who perished in the Biafra civil war. Five soldiers were killed by unknown gunmen during this period.

Expressing his deep sorrow and condemnation, Obi took to social media platform X, stating: “I am appalled and saddened by the attack on our brave soldiers in Abia State yesterday, resulting in the death of five soldiers. This dastardly act remains condemnable as it is a stark reminder of the escalating insecurity and violence that has continued to plague our nation under our collective watch.”

Obi asserted that the sacrifice of these soldiers must not be forgotten and stressed the necessity of accountability and justice. He urged for an immediate and thorough investigation to identify and punish the perpetrators, reinforcing the need for collective action against such violence.

Concluding his statement, the former Anambra State governor vowed to persist in his efforts to ensure a better future for Nigeria.
