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How To Go From Mere Resolutions To Mega Results – Udo Okonjo



Goooooood day folks – the world may appear to be going crazy, but it’s a MEGA MONDAY and everything rises and falls with your interpretation of the state of affairs. What you believe and how you choose to see the week and world ahead of you will determine your ultimate success.

As an entrepreneur or professional, sometimes the week unfolds with a sense that the tasks ahead are overwhelmingly difficult and maybe even impossible. May I humbly ask you to consider the proposition that you don’t need to quit because of your personal limitations, knowing that there may be help from other sources? After all, in business, we all get a board of directors or top advisors/consultants and strategic partners to help us accomplish big scary Mega goals.

May I ask you to consider an even more important ally and reflect on His ability to help you even with the most unlikely situations.

– “IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? Your response to the question will shape your day, your week and life. No matter how impossible or difficult a situation, or target ? appears, if you BELIEVE God has the power and has your back, then your posture, and perspective will change and cause you to take a different action. Your BELIEF about how difficult or possible a thing is, therefore becomes the single most important factor to whether you DECIDE to and what ACTION you do take. Your action ultimately determines your REALITY which becomes your DESTINY. What you believe is therefore critical to your success in life and business. Most people never start or having started, do not succeed because of a failure of belief, limiting beliefs or wrong beliefs about a change that occurs or a new set of facts- The economy, the changing world order, the marketplace dynamics, dwindling resources, recession, maybe even an ‘executive order’ in your industry?

***Start believing for the impossible today.
***Start moving towards your desired reality.
***Start believing that absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever is impossible when you have God in you, with you and around you.
***Commit that tough project, plan or program to Him right now and make that important Mega Monday move from a place of confident belief that GOD CAN, therefore YOU MUST!

Let’s issue our own executive order today. I Declare “that your place of limitation and impossibility will become a harvest of unlimited possibilities, progress and promotion as you take correct and confident action. You will go from doubting and debating to believing and making rapid progress. Go from MERE RESOLUTIONS to MEGA RESULTS. ” And  it shall be so, for it cannot be otherwise. God is after all the President of all our lives. Irrespective of what your immediate life’s challenges are or the targets you need to accomplish this week, make sure you adjust your BELIEF coding. Success starts with your BELIEF and ACTION. You’ve got to believe for the impossible and then back it up with daring action! Declare #Yaaaas! And #AMEN. Now go play big time.

To Your success. May you go beyond ‘surviving’. May you ‘thrive’ irrespective of the economy or world order.
Udo Okonjo

Ps. I remain a trusted Real Estate Advisor, and Entrepreneur with Fine and Country West Africa. These are my personal views and excerpts from my teachings on Success Principles and Faith Chronicles. Join me on instagram and Facebook for daily faith boosts and success principles to thrive in any economy and under any world order.


Udo Okonjo is the CEO of Fine and Country West Africa. She is a Possibilities Igniter, Real Estate Tycoon, Wealth Strategist and Passionate Teacher whose life’s vision is to Democratize success by creating platforms and experiences that get people to transform their lives through changing their minds.

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