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How To Get Tech Nation Visa || UK Global Talent Visa for Digital Technology || Stage 1 Endorsement



UK global talent visa

Are you a talented or promising individual with experience in the Digital Technology sector?

Here’s your chance to follow the proven Step-By-Step blueprint I personally used to secure the Tech Nation endorsement for the Global Talent Visa, in two weeks, alongside many others who are now living their dreams in the UK.

The Global Talent Visa allows talented tech professionals to reside and work in the UK’s digital technology sector. By bringing their skills, creativity, and innovation, they help keep the UK at the leading edge of the global digital economy.

Benefits of the Tech Nation Endorsement for the UK Global Talent visa:

  1. Get full access to unlimited high-paying, global job opportunities, earning a strong currency
  2. Get your Permanent Residency (ILR) in the UK after 3 years (Exceptional Talent)
  3. Become a British Citizen easily after ILR
  4. Register and run your own business
  5. Relocate with your family and they’ll share the same Tier 1 visa status
  6. Greater job flexibility as you can change employers as you wish
  7. Very fast processing timeline (3 weeks or less from outside the UK)
  8. Very flexible route with lesser cost and fewer restrictions compared to other visa routes
  9. No special proof of funds, sponsorship, or IELTS is required
  10. No limit on the number of visas granted, and no age limit

Learn more about how I got my Global Talent visa HERE.

At first, I doubted I had enough evidence for the Tech Nation endorsement. But once I started working on my application, I realised I actually had enough experience, achievements and results. The key was taking time to properly organise my documents to meet Tech Nation’s specific requirements. I submitted my application and got endorsed in less than two weeks. After moving to the UK, I received three job offers and accepted a high-paying remote position with a global company, thanks to the Global Talent visa.

For me, securing the Tech Nation endorsement has been an advancement, validating my global vision and the power of a strong application template. This is why, despite my busy schedule, I committed to help others achieve their own successes as well, as you would find in some of the testimonials from those I’ve had the privilege to support below.


  • Rachael – HR Specialist: As a Talent Acquisition Specialist in tech, my journey to getting the Tech Nation endorsement was full of ups and downs, until a friend introduced me to Isaac. Isaac was incredibly supportive, especially after my first application was rejected. Isaac sat down with me, went through my application meticulously, and pointed out exactly where things went wrong. He then helped me revise my application, focusing on strengthening the weak areas. It was his simplified guidance that made all the difference on my second try, leading to a successful endorsement. This visa has been a game-changer for me. Losing my job previously had put me in a tough spot, affecting my ability to stay in the UK. Securing the endorsement, and then the Global Talent Visa gave me a fresh start and the freedom to thrive in the UK without any restrictions.
  • Kemi – Product Manager: Applying for the Tech Nation endorsement was overwhelming at first, with its complex steps and heavy documentation. Despite having worked in Big Tech, I had trouble showing how my work fit tech nation’s criteria. Isaac was a big help in making everything simpler. He was so kind and helpful in re-organising my application and made sure my documents clearly highlighted my contributions to the tech industry. His advice also boosted my confidence, helping me make a strong case to Tech Nation, which led to me receiving an endorsement for the Exceptional Talent visa. Getting the visa has greatly improved my career, allowing me to work with any company without the fear of layoffs or need for sponsorship. It has also enriched my personal life, helping me feel at home in a vibrant community. I’m truly grateful for Isaac’s support and clear guidance, which were very crucial in navigating this process successfully.
  • Stephen – AI Architect: The main challenge I faced was understanding how to put together the pieces of evidence during stage one and submitting them. Anyone trying to put the pieces of evidence together without leveraging the assistance of someone who has successfully done it has a 90% chance of failing. The reason is that the expectations are not clear on the surface. I recall reaching out to Isaac on this and got endorsed as an Exceptional Talent within a week using his help. His clear explanation enabled me to rework how I packaged and presented my pieces of evidence. Your pieces of evidence may be all right and good like mine, but if they’re not packed in the form and structure expected, you may not get endorsed. I have met persons that I consider more than qualified but were not endorsed. If you confirm from such, the challenge must be around the way the evidences were presented. I just moved into to UK with my family. Also, I am able to still do our business headquartered in Nigeria and still travel on business without any hassle.

Book Your 1-Hour Application Consultation Now

I got my Tech Nation endorsement easily using a simple system that has also helped numerous others achieve exactly the same result. Based on the rising demands I get for application reviews, I have decided to commit more time to help more people, for a little token.

Book Your 1-Hour Application Exclusive Consultation Now

One-On-One Consultation

This is a Private 60-minute Consultation Call where I look into your profile to fully understand your background, determine your eligibility and/or guide you towards crafting a strong and successful application for Tech Nation endorsement.

What this consultation covers:

  • Eligibility Check: Review your background to determine if you are a good candidate for the Tech Nation endorsement.
  • Document Assessment: Full assessment of your completed Tech Nation application documents, including free templates for your CV, personal statement, recommendation letters, and evidence.
  • Expert Review: Receive detailed feedback on your application documents to enhance their strength for a successful endorsement.
  • Application Strategy: Develop your application story and strategy, ensuring you meet all the requirements.
  • Future Planning: If you’re not yet ready to apply, learn how to create a 4 to 8-month plan to prepare you for a future application.
  • Evidence Compilation: Learn how to effectively assemble and present your evidence with real examples.


Call preparation

Please have your LinkedIn profile or CV ready for review, along with your application documents, if available. If these documents are not available yet, no worries, you will be guided through the process of creating them effectively.

Who is this pathway for?

If you belong to any of the following roles and have experience in technology, the Tech Nation endorsement for the Global Talent Visa is made for you:

  • Software Developer, Product Manager, Product Designer, Product Marketer, Growth Marketer etc.
  • DevOps/SysOps Engineer, Data Scientist/Data Engineer etc.
  • Expert in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning etc.
  • Cybersecurity Expert, Hardware Engineer etc.
  • Experienced Front-End Developer, Operating Systems Engineer etc.
  • Experienced Video Game Developer, UX/UI Designer, Mobile App Developer etc.
  • Experienced Back-End Developer involved in major technologies or open-source projects (e.g., blockchain, Scala, Golang, Elasticsearch)
  • CTO or VP of Engineering managing in-house teams at a growing digital business etc.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality Developer etc.

You are looking to:

  • Move to the United Kingdom, possibly with your family.
  • Advance your career by contributing to leading UK-based technology companies.
  • Seek expert advice, templates, and real examples to avoid mistakes and ensure a successful application.

Book Your 1-Hour Application Exclusive Consultation Now

Once you make payment, in less than 24 hours, you will receive an instant invite to a live Zoom session with me for your Tech Nation endorsement application consultation.

Please do not second-guess yourself. With the basic requirements, due diligence, and my personal guidance, your Tech Nation endorsement is 100% potent. I look forward to speaking with you.

Book Your 1-Hour Exclusive Consultation Now

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