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four Truths About What Success really Is



What is success? How can I be successful? To be truly successful, you have to understand these three truths about success.

  1. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey

Success is not something you want to go and meet out there, it’s a process. For example, you go to school, you study hard and pass your exams, there comes the day that you graduate. Everybody congratulates you that you have become successful because you graduated. However, you did not become a success the day you got your certificate, you were only recognized for your success. You were a success in your first year when you decided not to drop out of school like some of your other classmates. You are a success because success is daily thing, not a destination thing. The recognition you get along the way (diplomas, certificates, awards, etc.) did not mean that you have arrived and now a success, it’s just another step in preparing you to reach your potential.


  1. Success is valuing today while visualizing tomorrow

If you want to be a success, don’t devalue today while visualizing tomorrow. Stop talking about “when I get there,” or “when I accomplish this.” Rather, start taking action daily because the secret of success is determined by their daily agenda. If you want to be successful, learn to value today while you visualize tomorrow. You visualize tomorrow but you value today. What you do every day is either getting you close your vision, goal, or dream or it is driving you farther away from it. It is not your decision that makes you a success; it is how you manage the decision on daily basis that makes you a success. This means that you have got to do today what you want to be tomorrow.


  1. Success is preparing, not repairing

Every day, you are either preparing or repairing. If you mess up yesterday by not doing the right thing, you have to spend today repairing and make adjustments and every day you spend repairing, you are not spending preparing. You are repairing when you fail to manage the decisions you have made; you are preparing when you manage the decisions you have made on daily basis. The footprints to success are the footprints of success because every step you take based upon the goal you that have for your life is a progressive realization of success in your life. Every day you spend repairing is every day you missed preparing. You have to live everyday hungry with the understanding that you are to live until you die.


  1. You cannot summarize success

You cannot summarize success in a degree, a diploma, or a status. If you are learning and doing the things that are essential to the decision you have made, then you are already a success. Overtime, it will show up because you have worked all your life to become an overnight success. All of a sudden people will begin to recognize and congratulate you, but you didn’t just get good at that moment, you have been good for a long time, it just showed up some day.

The journey to success is a delightful experience. The only thing better than taking the journey by yourself is to take the journey with someone else to learn together, grow together, and be great together.


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