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Emir Sanusi’s sermon: Acceptance of divine destiny amid reinstatement



Emir Sanusi's Sermon: Accepting divine destiny

Emir Muhammadu Sanusi, reinstated in Kano, shared a poignant message during Friday prayers, stressing the importance of embracing divine destiny.

Speaking at the Kofar Kudu Central Mosque, he urged acceptance of Allah’s will in all situations, emphasizing gratitude in both favourable and challenging times.

According to Emir Sanusi’s Sermon, “Whoever believes that Allah alone gives everything must decide Allah wholeheartedly. No one asks Allah’s reasons for anything.

We were told that whoever did not accept destiny is from Allah, his belief is not complete. One should be thankful in times of good and bad situations.

We must believe that whatever happens to us is predestined by God and what we couldn’t have is from Him.”

His remarks came in the wake of his recent reinstatement by Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State, which saw the removal of Aminu Ado Bayero.

Lawrence is a dynamic digital journalist known for his expertise in creating SEO-focused content that drives business success. Alongside his journalism career, he also serves as an AI tutor, leveraging his knowledge to educate and empower others in the field. Lawrence graduated from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic with an HND in Mass Communication and has had his work referenced in Wikipedia and various online media outlets.
